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Connect the central pin of TRX PTT IN (J2) connector to the power supply ground (0V) keeping the previous ground connection This imitates TX mode PTT signal Both red LEDs on both boards must become OFF Also the green led must be OFF Now the boards are in TX mode The active PTT signal is ground (0 v) The PTT input voltage up to 07 v will activate TX mode Higher positiveProbably if we run hamlib on the arduino it should probably work, but thought it could be quite easier as for meTRX $ % DOT $ % EOS $477 866 % LINK $ % UNI $ % LTC $ % BNB $ % AXS $1153 008 % BCH $ 255 % Platform Updates The latest updates and improvements for features and functionality View Status Page Q4 21 Basket Index Weights Q4 21 Index Weights Why We Revamped Our

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325mm Barrel Mic, CW Key, Headphones and two 625mm Speaker Outputs;RCA Line In, Digital Inputs, PTT in, PTT Out;The TRX is put in semiBK mode, the setting CW Paddle is Off, when it is keyed it starts to transmit without the need to use the PTT Interface to IC706 for PSK31 and CW Many proposals for interfaces can be found in the Web and in other literature, a very versatile interface named 'Digi1' can be purchased 2 (but I haven't copied the circuit from there)

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